1 x ST Microelectronics VNP10N06 60V 10A POWER MOSFET OMNIFET Logic Level TO-220 - STMicroelectronics
RS 313-2986
Unit Type:
ES 10G
1 x ST Microelectronics VNP10N06 60V 10A POWER MOSFET OMNIFET TO-220
The VNP10N06 is a monolithic device made using STMicroelectronics VIPower Technology, intended for replacement of standard power MOSFETS in DC to 50 KHz applications. Built-in thermal shut-down, linear current limitation and overvoltage clamp protect the chip n harsh enviroments.
Protection Features:
During Normal Operation, the INPUT pin is electrically connected to the gate of the internal power MOSFET through a low impedance path as soon as VIN > VIH. The device then behaves like a standard power MOSFET and can be used as a switch from DC to 50KHz. The only difference from the user’s standpoint is that a small DC current (typically 150 µA) flows into the INPUT pin in order to supply the internal circuitry. During turn-off of an unclamped inductive load the output voltage is clamped to a safe level by an integrated Zener clamp between DRAIN pin and the gate of the internal Power MOSFET. In this condition, the Power MOSFET gate is set to a voltage high enough to sustain the inductive load current even if the INPUT pin is driven to 0V. The device integrates an active current limiter circuit which limits the drain current ID to Ilim whatever the INPUT pin Voltage. When the current limiter is active, the device operates in the linear region, so power dissipation may exceed the heatsinking capability. Both case and junction temperatures increase, and if this phase lasts long enough, junction temperature may reach the overtemperature threshold Tjsh. If Tj reaches Tjsh, the device shuts down whatever the INPUT pin voltage. The device will restart automatically when Tj has cooled down to Tjrs